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TAS Field School

Milam and Robertson Counties - June 14-21, 2025

Join us for the 2025 TAS Field School in Milam and Robertson Counties.  The 2025 Field School will focus primarily on the survey of Red Mountain (also known as Sugarloaf Mountain) and the surrounding areas. Red Mountain is a significant place for the Tonkawa Tribe, who recently reclaimed this ancestral land and will maintain it with the help of the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association. Additional field survey and testing will be conducted on the El Camino Real de los Tejas at Rancheria Grande.       

General Field School Information

Each summer, TAS sponsors a week-long archeological field school.  The program provides training in archeological techniques to Society members and contributes important new data to enhance the state's archeological record and cultural heritage. No prior archeological experience is necessary.  We are an inclusive organization.  Activities and learning opportunities are offered for all ages, including excavation techniques, survey methods, and special training for newcomers and teachers.  

​The TAS field school spans seven days and is led by professional archeologists and trained avocationals. Participants may register for a minimum of three days or for the full week and choose excavation, survey, or the laboratory.  Volunteers may also participate in the afternoon and evening workshops, educational programs, and social activities that are spread throughout the week.  Several Field School Scholarships are also available.

If you are interested in sponsoring the 2025 Field School, email the business office.

Texas Archeological Society

Texas Archeological Society, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666-4684

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