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Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society

BTAS Volume 95 is here!

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Now accepting submissions for Volume 96

The Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society (ISSN 0082-2930) publishes original papers in the field of American archeology. Emphasis is placed on Texas and the neighboring areas of the United States and Mexico; however, occasionally papers on other areas will also be considered. Articles concerning archeological theory, method, or technique are also accepted, if relevant to the region. Preference is given to members of the Society.

​Formatting Guidelines & Submission Instructions

Manuscripts must be submitted in a MSWord file, double-spaced throughout with a one-inch margin. Footnotes and endnotes should be avoided, if possible. Authors should consult the Society for American Archaeology's Style Guide for information on style, citations and references, and technical matters associated with manuscript preparation.

​A complete manuscript is one with a title, abstract, main body with headings marking subdivisions, and complete figures and tables. Raster tiff or jpg illustrations should be submitted at no less than 300dpi, and vector illustrations at no less than 600dpi. Scanned graphics should be collected at the highest resolution possible, and at a minimum of 300dpi. All graphics and tables are to be submitted as individual files separate from the manuscript. Manuscripts receive peer review upon request, and all final decisions on publication rest with the Publications Editor.

Papers published in the Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society are abstracted and indexed in Abstracts in Anthropology.

​Acceptance for Publication & Author Agreement

​The Author Agreement provides TAS with the rights to redistribute an accepted article to the public. The Author Agreement will be included in each volume. Submission of an article for publication is considered tacit approval and acceptance of the Author Agreement.  A signed copy of the Author Agreement is required prior to publication.  Please feel free to contact the editor at with additional questions.

​Manuscripts should be submitted by email to the BTAS editor (

Texas Archeological Society

Texas Archeological Society, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666-4684

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