Article I: Membership
Section 1. Membership Requirements
Members join the Society upon payment of annual dues and agreement to abide by the Society’s ethics statement. Continued membership requires that all dues and charges are not delinquent.
All officers, Committee Chairs, and Committee members must be current TAS members in good standing to be nominated, elected or appointed to their position and must maintain a current membership for the duration of their terms.
Section 2. Membership Categories
Membership in the Society is divided into categories:
- Individuals
- Families: heads of households and dependents, or grandparent(s) and minor grandchildren
- Students: individuals in grade school through college/university whose coursework is considered to be half-time or more
- Contributors
- Supporters
- Patrons
- Life members (who paid Life dues prior to 2001)
- Fellows
- Associate memberships:
- Associations (societies)
- Institutions (e.g., libraries, universities, museums, state agencies)
- Business memberships:
- Plainview
- Folsom
- Clovis
Associate memberships do not have voice, vote, or the privilege of holding office.
Section 3. Fellows of the Society
An individual may become a Fellow of the Society for meritorious contribution to Texas archeology and the Society. The Awards Committee recommends to the Executive Committee any nominee(s) to be made a Fellow at the next Annual Meeting. The nominee(s) shall be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee prior to the presentation. Following the Annual Meeting, the new Fellow(s) will be ratified by a majority vote of the Board. Fellows receive full rights and privileges of membership and do not pay annual dues. This is a lifetime honor unless rescinded by the Board of Directors for just cause, which is determined at the sole discretion of the Board.
Section 4. Membership Privileges
Members have the privilege of attending and participating in the meetings of the Society, the Field School, and Academies; receiving digital access to the newsletter and the annual bulletin; and getting advance notice of all special publications. Life members, Fellows, and Institutions will receive a printed copy of the annual bulletin at no additional cost if they want one. A fee for a printed copy of the bulletin may be charged to other members. The TAS website addresses the number of individuals who are eligible to register for TAS events based on the Associate membership category involved, provided they have agreed to the Society’s ethics statement.
Article II: Dues, Fees, and Finances
Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year is the calendar year -- January 1 through December 31.
Section 2. Authorization of Charges to Members
All dues, fees, and other charges shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Membership Dues
Membership dues are valid for one full calendar year from date of payment. Membership renewals are due one calendar year from the date of last payment; this is the renewal due date. If a member has not paid their dues within 30 days after their renewal due date, the member is considered delinquent and forfeits all rights and privileges of membership.
Section 4. Financial Transactions on Behalf of the Society
All financial transactions, commitments, and obligations will adhere to the requirements and procedures described in TAS financial policies, which provide detailed instructions for soliciting bids for goods and services, negotiating and signing contracts, obligating funds, submitting requests for reimbursements, and paying bills. Many of these actions require review by the Business Advisory Committee and approval by the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors. TAS Board members, especially Committee Chairs, must familiarize themselves with the details contained in the TAS financial policies.
a. Individuals holding the following positions are authorized to conduct financial business with banks and financial institutions on behalf of the Texas Archeological Society:
· President
· Treasurer
· Contract personnel in the TAS Office (e.g., Administrative Director, Member Business Manager)
b. The following may use TAS credit cards to pay for Board-approved expenses that total less than $5,000 a month:
· Contract personnel in the TAS Office
· Chairs of the Academy, Annual Meeting, Field School, and Merchandising Committees. With Board approval, these Committees may designate the Committee Treasurer rather than the Chair as the credit card user.
Section 5. Annual Budget
By September 1, the Budget Committee shall submit a proposed budget for the next year for approval by the Board of Directors, followed by adoption by the members during the Annual Meeting.
- By August 1, Committee Chairs shall provide the Budget Committee an itemized proposal for their committee’s budget for the next year.
- The Society’s proposed annual budget for the next year, and financial reports reflecting the current financial condition, shall be made available to the membership by posting them on the Member Area of the website at least 30 days before the online voting conducted during the Annual Meeting. Notice of their posting shall be provided to the members via email and social media and will include how and where the proposed budget and financial information may be accessed.
- The proposed annual budget shall include a line-item of Board-designated funds amounting to 25% of the projected cost of an independent audit which is required on a period not to exceed four years. (See Section 6.c. below.) Such set-aside funds shall be aggregated in trust until such time as they are needed for the audit.
- No line-item expenditure may exceed the budgeted amount approved by the membership by more than 10% or $2,000 (whichever is greater) unless approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee has emergency spending authority to exceed a budgeted line-item by more than 10% or $2,000, whichever is greater, but shall promptly notify the Board of Directors of such emergency action via email and provide full details to the Board for majority vote approval prior to (e.g., by email vote) or during the next Board meeting. The Board has authority, by majority vote, to halt or reverse the action of any such emergency spending by the Executive Committee.
- Without Executive Committee and Board approval, no expenditure will be made that does not have an appropriate line-item listing in the budget approved by the membership. The Executive Committee has emergency spending authority to make such unlisted expenditures but shall promptly notify the Board of Directors of such emergency action via email and provide full details to the Board for majority vote approval prior to (e.g., by email vote) or during the next Board meeting. The Board has the authority, by majority vote, to halt or reverse any such emergency expenditure by the Executive Committee.
Section 6. Financial Records and Procedures
The financial records and procedures of the Society shall be made available to the membership and examined by the Fiscal Overview Committee (FOC). A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) shall examine the financial records annually. An independent auditor shall perform a complete audit of the society’s financial records at least every four years.
- A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) shall be engaged to annually review the financial records of the Society and prepare various reports and filings required by law.
- The annual IRS filing (e.g., the Form 990 - redacted as needed) and the annual FOC review shall be posted on the Member Area of the website in a timely manner following review by the Board of Directors.
- At a period not to exceed four years, the President, with Board approval, shall contract for the services of an independent financial auditor to provide a complete audit of the financial policies, procedures, activities, records, filings, and accounts of the Society for the preceding year. The auditor shall not be the same CPA charged with preparing the Society’s annual reports and filings. When deemed necessary by the Board, audits may be conducted prior to the next regularly scheduled audit.
- The final report and findings of the financial audit conducted every four years shall be delivered to the membership on the Member Area of the website at least 30 days before the next Annual Meeting to allow members to review them and vote on acceptance during the Annual Meeting. The report and findings of other audits will likewise be shared with the membership for acceptance at the next Annual Meeting.
- Financial dealings of the Society shall be transparent to the membership in accordance with state and federal law concerning nonprofit organizations. Information on cause and effect of any issue affecting the financial health, stability and strength of the Society shall be made known to the membership through posting on the Member Area of the website, emails, etc.
Section 7. Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund is a permanently restricted fund, the principal of which shall be invested and the income from which shall be used to support the operating budget of the Society. On a quarterly basis, the Fiscal Overview Committee (FOC) shall review and advise the Board of Directors regarding the investment, uses and activities related to the Endowment Fund, and the FOC shall include their findings and recommendations in the Committee’s end-of-the-year report.
Section 8. Assets and Earnings
The assets and earnings of the Society shall be used only to accomplish the purposes specified in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society and no part of such assets or earnings shall be used for the personal benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, officers, or other persons, except that the Society (through the review and approval of its Board) shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered or to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II of the Constitution.
Article III: Meetings of the Society
Section 1. Meeting Rules
a. All meetings of the Society, including those of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, shall be open to any member in good standing. Non-Board members and non-Executive Committee members do not vote during Board Meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee, and will speak only when called on by the President or presiding officer.
b. All meetings, including the Annual Meeting, Board Meetings, and Executive Committee Meetings, may occur in person, as a virtual meeting (e.g., using a conference call, video conferencing, email or other electronic means that do not require members to be present at the same location at the same time), or as a hybrid meeting (involving both in-person and virtual components). All necessary voting for meetings (e.g., budget, amendments, election of officers, etc.) may be accomplished electronically. The open period for voting using email or online ballots shall not be less than one day nor more than one week. Hard copy ballots will be accepted from members without email/internet access who request such ballots as long as the ballots are received by the close of the email or online election. Email votes by the Executive Committee may be cast by copying all members of the Executive Committee or by responding only to the President and the Secretary. Email votes by the Board may be cast by copying all members of the Board or by responding only to the President and the Secretary.
c. Unless a meeting is deemed to be an emergency meeting (e.g., due to an impending deadline or a crisis), members shall be notified by email and posting on the website at least 30 days before an in-person or hybrid Annual Meeting, Special Membership Meeting, Executive Committee Meeting, or Board of Directors Meeting, and at least 7 days before a virtual meeting. Remote access instructions will be provided as early as possible but at least 7 days before a virtual or hybrid meeting, unless the meeting must take place in less than 7 days as a result of an emergency.
d. Minutes shall be taken and published from all meetings of the General Membership (including Special Membership Meetings), the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, regardless of physical or electronic format of the meeting. Meeting minutes shall be posted on the Member Area of the TAS website for review by the membership within four weeks following the meeting. To facilitate the timely posting of the minutes, Executive Committee and Board members will provide comments on draft minutes within 7 days of a request for comments.
e. Reports submitted for Executive Committee and/or Board Meetings will also be posted on the Member Area of the website within four weeks following the meeting. To facilitate the timely submission and posting of Officer, Committee, and Special Appointee reports,
1) Reports on TAS financial accounts will be posted to the Member Area of the website within 5 days after account reconciliation each month to provide members, especially the Fiscal Overview Committee, with up-to-date financial information for their Executive Committee/Board Meeting reports.
2) The TAS Office will issue a request for reports 2 weeks prior to a regular Executive Committee or Board Meeting (usually held in January, April, June, September, and October).
3) Executive Committee and Board members will submit their reports to the TAS Office at least 72 hours before the start of a regular Executive Committee or Board Meeting.
f. The Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors can legally go into “closed (or Executive) session” for discussions regarding personnel and/or legal matters. Meeting minutes shall make note of such Executive sessions and include a general statement regarding the purpose of the Executive session. Minutes from Executive sessions will not be shared with the membership.
Section 2. Annual Meetings
a. The Annual Meeting shall feature a program of archeological topics, including a Public Forum and/or a public outreach event.
b. The call to the Annual Meeting shall be announced to the membership as early as possible but at least 30 days prior to the meeting by posting on the TAS website and via email. U.S. Postal mail shall only be used to notify those members who specifically request notification and/or other TAS communication by mail.
c. The Annual Meeting shall be held in accordance with the Constitution of the Society and Article III. Section 1. of these Bylaws for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports, and other such business as may come before it (e.g., approval of the budget for the following year, acceptance of audit findings, approving amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws).
d. A two-thirds vote by the Board is required to postpone, reschedule, or cancel an Annual Meeting. All members shall be notified of such action, as prescribed in Article III. Section 1.c. above.
e. The Annual Meeting Committee shall assist the Local Arrangements Committee to organize, publicize, and produce the Annual Meeting, and shall act as an interface between the Local Arrangements Committee and the Board of Directors. The Local Arrangements Committee is not authorized to obligate funds or commit the Society to potential monetary penalties without prior Board approval. See Article VIII. Section 6. for further information on the Annual Meeting Committee and the Local Arrangements Committee.
f. To support the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors may appropriate funds to be used, if needed, by the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) for initial Annual Meeting expenses and/or as insurance should the LAC lose money in producing the meeting. If there is a net surplus from the Annual Meeting, the Society will first be reimbursed for any monies it may have advanced to the LAC, then will receive 50% of the Annual Meeting's net surplus funds. The remaining surplus shall go to the LAC if it is a 501(c)(3) organization or other form of nonprofit entity (e.g., state agency, university, etc.). Individuals and corporations are not allowed to receive any portion of surplus funds derived from the Annual Meeting. Proceeds from Annual Meeting fundraisers (e.g., the silent auction, raffles) will benefit only the Society.
Section 3. Membership Meetings
a. A General Membership Meeting shall be held during every Annual Meeting. The proposed budget, the slate of nominees for elected positions, any proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution and/or Bylaws, and the report/findings of any audit accepted by the Board at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting shall be presented to members at least 30 days before the General Membership Meeting and voted on during the Annual Meeting.
b. Special Membership Meetings may be held at the call of the President or upon written request of five members of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the rules described in Article III. Section 1. Additionally, a Special Membership Meeting of the Society may be called by written or emailed request to the President by 50 members or 10% of the membership, whichever is less. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the announcement for the meeting.
c. At least 25 members with voting privileges shall constitute a quorum at all General Membership Meetings and Special Membership Meetings of the Society.
d. Members with voting privileges at a General Membership Meeting or a Special Membership Meeting are:
• Individuals, Families (counting as one vote), Students, Contributors, Supporters, Patrons, and Life members (all above seventeen years of age), and Fellows of the Society.
• No member shall vote in more than one capacity, and there shall be no voting by proxy.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1. Officers
As addressed in these Bylaws, the Society’s officers are elected by the general membership during Annual Meetings. Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, terms for officers begin and end to coincide with the beginning and ending of the TAS fiscal year (i.e., January 1 through December 31).
a. The Executive Officers are:
• President
• President-Elect
• Immediate Past President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Publications Editor
• Newsletter Editor
• Internet Committee Chair
b. Other elected officers are:
• Regional Directors
• In such years as these offices are filled:
Publications Editor-Elect
Newsletter Editor-Elect
Internet Committee Chair-Elect
Section 2. Executive Officer Elections (Other than President and President-Elect)
a. Election of Executive Officers
Executive Officers other than President and President-Elect are elected by the membership by one of two methods: Direct election or through the position of Officer-Elect.
1. Direct Election
• When a term of office will end on December 31 and there is no Officer-Elect, the Nominating Committee will submit at least one nominee for the Officer and the membership will vote during the Annual Meeting. Nominations from the membership and write-in candidates are encouraged. (See Article VII.)
• The term as Officer begins on January 1, following the Annual Meeting.
Executive Officers other than the President and President-Elect serve for two years and are elected in even-numbered or odd-numbered years as follows:
Schedule of 2-Year Term Executive Officer Elections when there is no Officer-Elect
Election Year
2. Election through Officer-Elect
• During the first year of a 2-year Executive Officer term, the Board may be made aware that the Officer
o will not complete the second year of their term or
o will not seek reelection following the completion of their current term.
• In either case, if there is adequate lead time, the Board will instruct the Nominating Committee to submit at least one nominee for Officer-Elect and the membership will vote on the Officer-Elect position during the next Annual Meeting. Nominations from the membership and write-in candidates are encouraged. (See Article VII.)
• The one-year term of the Officer-Elect begins on January 1 following the Annual Meeting.
• In the event of a vacancy in an office prior to the completion of a two-year term, the Executive Committee will appoint the Officer-Elect, if there is one, to fill the vacant office. (See Section 4. below.)
• In both of the above instances, the Officer-Elect will begin a full two-year term as Officer on the following January 1 without the need for another election for that Officer position.
b. Functions of the Officer-Elect
• All Officer-Elect positions shall be an apprentice to the current Officer for a year (or until an unexpected/early vacancy in the Officer position) and shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Society, and specified Committees (see position descriptions in Section 3. below).
• Other than President-Elect, Officer-Elect is a non-voting office.
• Other duties relating to specified Officer-Elect positions are described in Section 3. below.
Section 3. Terms and Duties of Officers
The length of each Officer’s term is addressed in the position descriptions below. After completing a term in office, an individual may, if willing, be nominated and elected to serve again in the same office (in either consecutive or interspersed terms) or in a different office, with the following caveats:
• A President cannot serve consecutive terms unless the President-Elect position is vacant and the incumbent President agrees to be nominated and serve again if elected, in which case the Nominating Committee may nominate that individual in a special President slot on the upcoming ballot (see Section 4.c. below).
• A President becomes the Immediate Past President upon completion of their term as President, so that individual is not directly nominated nor elected to the office. If an incumbent President serves consecutive terms as addressed above, the Immediate Past President may, if willing, continue to serve as Immediate Past President.
• Officer-Elects become Officers after one year (or sooner if they fill an unexpected/early vacancy in the Officer position – see Section 4.a. below), so they cannot serve consecutive terms as Elects.
Officers shall perform the duties provided by these Bylaws, the Society, the Board of Directors, and the adopted parliamentary authority.
a. The President
• Serves a one-year term, beginning on January 1, usually following a year serving as President-Elect (See Section 4. below for situations involving the direct election of a President);
• Is the Chief Executive Officer;
• Serves as Chair of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the Ethics Committee;
• Is a member of the Publications Committee;
• Serves as an ex officio member of all other committees except the Nominating Committee;
• Is the official spokesperson of the Society; and
• With Board approval, appoints individuals to fill specified committee Chair vacancies and special appointee vacancies (see Articles VIII. and IX.) which occur during the President’s term.
b. The President-Elect
• Is elected during an Annual Meeting, begins a one-year term as President-Elect on January 1 following that Annual Meeting, and then assumes the office of President on January 1 after serving a one-year term as President-Elect, or upon an unexpected/early vacancy in the office of President (see Section 4. below). A President-Elect who completes the unfinished term of a President will then begin a full one-year term as President the following January 1.
• Is responsible for naming non-elected committee Chairs and appropriate special appointees (specified in Articles VIII. and IX.) for terms of office that will begin on January 1, when the President-Elect assumes the office of President. Committee Chair appointments are made by July 1 prior to the beginning of the Presidential term, to allow time for Chairs to fill vacancies on their committees before January 1; and
• Serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Publications Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Ethics Committee, and ex officio member of the Annual Meeting Committee.
c. The Immediate Past President
• Serves a one-year term following their term as President, and
• Serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Publications Committee, the Annual Meeting Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
d. The Secretary
• Is elected in odd-numbered years, unless (as explained in Section 2. above) there is a Secretary-Elect, or a Secretary-Elect filled an unexpected/early vacancy in the position of Secretary during the Secretary’s term, in which case there is no election for Secretary that year.
• Serves a two-year term beginning January 1 of even-numbered years;
• Keeps a record of the proceedings of meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Society; and
• Serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Publications Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
e. The Secretary-Elect
• Is elected in appropriate even-numbered years (see Section 2. above);
• Serves a one-year term and then assumes the office of Secretary (see Section 2. above and Section 4. below for situations in which the Secretary-Elect fills an unexpected/early vacancy in the office of Secretary);
• Attends and takes supplementary minutes at meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Society; and
• Attends meetings of the Publications Committee and the Ethics Committee.
f. The Treasurer
• Is elected in even-numbered years, unless (as explained in Section 2. above) there is a Treasurer-Elect, or a Treasurer-Elect filled an unexpected/early vacancy in the position of Treasurer during the Treasurer’s term, in which case there is no election for Treasurer that year;
• Serves a two-year term beginning January 1 of odd-numbered years;
• Serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the Society; is the custodian of funds; serves as the lead Executive Committee officer for financial questions; responds to questions concerning financial matters; is responsible for accumulating, distributing and posting on the Member Area of the website the financial reports of the Society at least quarterly; serves as one of the individuals authorized to conduct financial business with banks and financial institutions on behalf of the Society; and
• Serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Publications Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
g. The Treasurer-Elect
• Is elected in appropriate odd-numbered years (see Section 2. above);
• Serves a one-year term and then assumes the office of Treasurer (see Section 2. above and Section 4. below for situations in which the Treasurer-Elect fills an unexpected/early vacancy in the office of Treasurer);
• Attends meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Budget Committee, the Publications Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
h. The Publications Editor
• Is elected in even-numbered years, unless (as explained in Section 2. above) there is a Publications Editor-Elect, or a Publications Editor-Elect filled an unexpected/early vacancy in the position of Publications Editor during the Publications Editor’s term, in which case there is no election for Publications Editor that year.
• Serves a two-year term beginning January 1 of odd-numbered years;
• Is responsible for seeking contributions for, editing, and overseeing the publication of the Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society and periodic special publications on archeological and related subjects;
• Serves as the Chair of the Publications Committee;
• Is a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Ethics Committee; and
• May name an associate or assistant editor. There is no position of Co-Editor.
i. The Publications Editor-Elect
• Is elected in appropriate odd-numbered years (see Section 2. above);
• Serves a one-year term and then assumes the office of Publications Editor (see Section 2. above and Section 4. below for situations in which the Publications Editor-Elect fills an unexpected/early vacancy in the office of Publications Editor);
• Attends meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Publications Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
j. The Newsletter Editor
• Is elected in even-numbered years, unless (as explained in Section 2. above) there is a Newsletter Editor-Elect, or a Newsletter Editor-Elect filled an unexpected/early vacancy in the position of Newsletter Editor during the Newsletter Editor’s term, in which case there is no election for Newsletter Editor that year.
• Serves a two-year term beginning January 1 of odd-numbered years;
• Is responsible for seeking contributions and developing content for, editing, and publishing periodic newsletters informing the Society on matters of interest;
• Serves as the Vice-Chair of the Publications Committee;
• Is a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Ethics Committee, and
• May name an associate or assistant editor. There is no position of Co-Editor.
k. The Newsletter Editor-Elect
• Is elected in appropriate odd-numbered years (see Section 2. above);
• Serves a one-year term and then assumes the office of Newsletter Editor (see Section 2. above and Section 4. below for situations in which the Newsletter Editor-Elect fills an unexpected/early vacancy in the office of Newsletter Editor); and
• Attends meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Publications Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
l. The Internet Committee Chair
• Is elected in odd-numbered years, unless (as explained in Section 2. above) there is an Internet Committee Chair-Elect, or an Internet Committee Chair-Elect filled an unexpected/early vacancy in the position of Internet Committee Chair during the Internet Committee Chair’s term, in which case there is no election for Internet Committee Chair that year.
• Serves a two-year term beginning January 1 of even-numbered years;
• Is responsible for the materials placed on the TAS website and social media;
• Assigns and guides members of the Internet Committee to collect and update content on regional societies, Academies, Field Schools, Annual Meetings, outreach, member needs, and other activities;
• Serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Ethics Committee, and the Publications Committee; and
• May name an associate or assistant chair. There is no position of Co-Chair.
m. The Internet Committee Chair-Elect
• Is elected in appropriate even-numbered years (see Section 2. above);
• Serves a one-year term and then assumes the office of Internet Committee Chair (see Section 2. above and Section 4. below for situations in which the Internet Committee Chair-Elect fills an unexpected/early vacancy in the office of Internet Committee Chair);
• Attends meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the Internet Committee, the Publications Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
n. The Regional Directors
• Serve a three-year term;
• Are members of the Board of Directors and serve as liaisons between the Board of Directors and their respective regions;
• Facilitate whenever possible the establishment of regional and local archeological groups and activities; and
• Promote membership in the Society.
There are 11 Regions. Regional Directors are elected in rotating groups as follows:
First group = 1, 4, 11 (e.g., elected in 2023, 2026, etc.);
Second group = 2, 5, 7, and 8 (e.g., elected in 2024, 2027, etc.)
Third group = 3, 6, 9, and 10 (elected in 2025, 2028, etc.)
Section 4. Unexpected/Early Vacancies in Elected Positions
a. An unexpected or early vacancy during the term of any elected position shall be filled by the Executive Committee appointing the Officer-Elect or, if there is no Officer-Elect, electing another member in good standing, followed by Board ratification.
b. An Officer-Elect who completes a term for an unexpected/early vacancy will then serve a full officer term beginning the following January 1, as originally scheduled.
c. The Board will not fill any Officer-Elect position that becomes vacant, nor the position of Immediate Past President should that position become vacant. Should the office of President-Elect become vacant for any reason other than because the President-Elect filled the vacant office of President during the President-Elect’s term, the Board will instruct the Nominating Committee to include the position of President on its slate of nominees for the upcoming Annual Meeting, in addition to the position of President-Elect, both of whom will begin their one-year terms on January 1 following the Annual Meeting.
d. Should the offices of President and President-Elect both be vacant at the same time, the Executive Committee shall fill the office of President by electing a President, followed by Board ratification. The Board will then instruct the Nominating Committee to include the position of President on its slate of nominees for the upcoming Annual Meeting, in addition to the position of President-Elect, both of whom will begin their one-year terms on January 1 following the Annual Meeting
e. The Board of Directors may declare an office vacant should an officer have more than two unexcused absences from meetings of the Board of Directors in any one year. (Article VI. Section 4. addresses the filling of vacant Chair positions on the Board of Directors.) At each Board meeting, the Board will decide if an absence is excused or unexcused. Generally, if no report is filed in advance of a regularly-scheduled meeting and an officer is absent, the absence is unexcused.
Article V: Executive Committee
Section 1. Executive Committee Members
The Executive Committee is composed of the Executive Officers: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Publications Editor, Newsletter Editor, and Internet Committee Chair.
Section 2. Executive Committee Duties
The Executive Committee shall serve as the Ethics Committee and the Publications Committee. The Executive Committee has the power to transact necessary business between meetings of the Board of Directors, including:
a. Contracting for and directing staff as needed. The Executive Committee may delegate the responsibility of staff oversight to a member of the Executive Committee.
b. Determining the location of the business office of the Society.
c. Interim approval of emergency expenditures (e.g., where there is no line-item or where an expenditure will exceed 10% of the budgeted line-item or $2000, whichever is greater – see Article II. Section 5.).
d. Filling specified vacant offices (see Article IV. Section 4.)
Section 3. Executive Committee Meetings
a. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the call of the President (usually in January, April, June – during Field School, September, and October – during Annual Meeting) and are held in accordance with the procedures described in Article III. Section 1.
b. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at the discretion of the President or at the request of three (3) or more Executive Committee members, in accordance with the procedures described in Article III. Section 1.
c. A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be four (4) members, at least one of whom is the President or President-Elect. A quorum is required for the Executive Committee to be able to conduct business at all meetings and shall be determined before a motion can be made or a vote can be taken.
Section 4. Ratification of Executive Committee Actions
The actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board of Directors for Board ratification prior to (e.g., by email vote) or during the next Board meeting.
Article VI: Board of Directors
Section 1. Board of Directors Members
The Board of Directors is composed of all elected officers, appointed replacement officers, and standing committee chairs. Other than President-Elect, elect positions are non-voting members of the Board.
Section 2. Board of Directors Duties
The Board of Directors has full power and authority over the affairs of the Society between Annual Meetings of the membership. The Board of Directors determines the operational policy; administers the finances; and has care, custody, and control of any equipment and other property acquired by the Society.
Section 3. Board of Directors Meetings
a. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are scheduled by the President (usually in January, April, June – during Field School, September, and October – during Annual Meeting) and conducted in accordance with the procedures described in Article III. Section 1.
b. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at the discretion of the President or at the request of five (5) or more members of the Board of Directors. Special Board meetings are conducted in accordance with the procedures described in Article III. Section 1.
c. Nine members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at regular and special meetings of the Board and shall include the President or another member of the Executive Committee, at least one Regional Director, and at least one standing committee chair. Any member of the Society who holds more than one office on the Board of Directors shall be limited to one vote, and shall count as one member for the purpose of a quorum. A quorum is required for the Board to be able to conduct business at all meetings and shall be determined before a motion can be made or a vote can be taken.
Section 4. Board of Directors Vacancies
Article IV. Section 4. addresses how to fill a vacancy in an elected office. If the non-elected Chair of a standing committee becomes vacant, that position shall be filled by the President appointing a member in good standing, followed by Board ratification.
Article VII: Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Election Schedule
a. Officers and members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected by online ballot during the Annual Meeting or through a special online election when needed (see Article VII. Section 4. below).
b. Each year, the Board will determine when online voting during the Annual Meeting begins and ends (e.g., the Friday morning when Annual Meeting begins through the end of the General Membership Meeting.)
c. A majority shall elect.
Section 2. Officer Nominations and Ballots
By September 1, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Board at least one name for each office to be filled during the upcoming election during the Annual Meeting. At the direction of the Board, the Nominating Committee’s slate of nominees will include any needed officer-elect position(s) (see Article IV. Section 2.). The Board will vote on acceptance of the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of nominees. The Board-approved slate of Nominating Committee nominees shall be shared with members at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting. Nominations from the membership will be requested at the time the slate of Nominating Committee candidates is announced to the membership. Members will be given one week to submit additional nominations. The period for nominations from the membership will end and any resulting nominations will be publicized by email and on the Member Area of the website at least 10 days prior to when online voting begins. The full slate of nominees will also be reviewed during the General Membership Meeting. There will be no in-person nominations from the floor.
For each position being filled, online ballots will contain the name(s) of the Nominating Committee nominee(s), any nomination(s) from the membership, and a blank in which a voter may enter the name of a write-in candidate.
a. All nominees for offices of the Society shall be members in good standing.
b. No name shall be placed in nomination without consent of the nominee to serve if elected.
Section 3. Other Election Initiatives
Online voting during the Annual Meeting shall also be used to vote on the proposed annual budget, any proposed Constitution or Bylaws changes, and the acceptance of any financial audit.
Section 4. Special Elections
Online voting shall also be used for any special elections or balloting in which all members are eligible to vote. The Board shall establish the timeframes, procedures, etc., for any special elections.
Article VIII: Committees
Section 1. Committee Composition
The membership elects the officers who serve as the Chairs of the Ethics Committee, the Internet Committee, and the Publications Committee. The membership also elects all members of the Nominating Committee, who then select their Chair annually. All other scheduled Chair vacancies are appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the Board of Directors for three-year terms on a rotation, grouped as follows:
- Group One (appointed in 2024 for 2025-2027; then appointed in 2027 for 2028-2030, etc.):
- Archives and Oral History
- Field School
- Merchandising
- Multicultural Program
- Public Outreach and Membership
- Group Two (appointed in 2025 for 2026-2028; then appointed in 2028 for 2029-2031, etc.):
- Awards
- Budget
- Business Advisory
- Fiscal Overview
- Fundraising
- Group Three (appointed in 2026 for 2027-2029; then appointed in 2029 for 2030-2032, etc.):
- Academy
- Annual Meeting
- Education
- Grant Review
- Reports and Curation
By July 1, the President-Elect appoints the Chairs for the group scheduled to begin their term on January 1 of the following year. At the discretion of the President/President-Elect, Chairs designated to be appointed by the President/President-Elect may be reappointed for another term. The Board of Directors approves the appointments before the close of the Annual Meeting during which the President-Elect formally announces the appointments (see Article IV. Section 3.b.). Unscheduled vacancies are addressed below (see Article VIII. Section 4.).
Except for the Ethics Committee, the Internet Committee, and the Publications Committee (where members serve based on elected office), and the Nominating Committee (where the three members are elected by the TAS membership), unless otherwise specified by these Bylaws, Committee Chairs select individuals to fill scheduled as well as unexpected committee member vacancies. Unless otherwise specified herein, the Chair and the members serve staggered terms as further outlined in this Article. However, if a Chair so desires, Chair-appointed Committee members may be appointed for one-year terms rather than staggered terms. Each year, by the opening of Annual Meeting, Committee Chairs will provide the Board with a list of all Committee members for the following year and the ending dates for the members’ terms.
All committee member selections shall be approved by the Board, except for those appointed as associates/assistants by the Publications Editor, the Newsletter Editor, or the Internet Committee Chair, as addressed in Article IV. Section 3., who serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the Committees on which they serve.
Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, terms for Chairs and Committee members begin and end to coincide with the beginning and ending of the TAS fiscal year (i.e., January 1 through December 31).
Advisors may serve as non-voting members of a committee. Advisors may be non-members of TAS if their expertise or experience is needed by the Committee. Advisors are appointed by the Chair (who determines the number of advisors needed) and approved by the Board, for terms of one year or less, as needed, to assist the Committee in its duties. Advisors can be reappointed following the end of their term.
Section 2. Ad Hoc and Special Committees
Ad hoc and special committees may be appointed or renewed by the President or President-Elect, as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the Society. The Chair and members of ad hoc and special committees shall be approved by the Board.
Section 3. Committee Responsibilities
Each Committee shall maintain an updated Committee Procedures Manual, approved by the Board and filed with the TAS Business Office, for implementing the committee’s responsibilities. The manual provides details on the scope of the committee, describes its members’ roles, and establishes guidelines to ensure continuity in the committee’s initiatives. The Chair ensures that the Committee Procedures Manual is reviewed for needed updates at least every three years.
Committees shall provide a detailed proposed budget request to the Budget Committee by August 1 each year, in preparation for submittal of the Society’s proposed budget for the next year.
The Chair of the Academy, Annual Meeting, Archives and Oral History, and Field School Committees shall designate a Committee member to serve as a member of the Internet Committee. All other Committees are encouraged to actively engage with the Internet Committee.
The committees listed below shall update the “TAS List of Lists” during the month of January and after significant TAS events (e.g., field school, annual meeting, etc.) with information relevant to the committee’s responsibilities, including but not limited to dates, activities, personnel, locations, etc., adding new information as appropriate. The committees involved are: Academy, Annual Meeting, Awards, Field School, Multicultural Program, Nominating, and any others as directed by the President. All other committees are encouraged to make appropriate updates to the “List of Lists”.
Section 4. Committee Chair/Member Replacements and Unscheduled Vacancies
The President, at their sole discretion, may replace any Chair or committee member, at any time, with Board approval. The President shall, with Board approval, appoint individuals to fill committee Chair vacancies which occur during the President’s term; exceptions are the Chairs of the Ethics Committee, the Internet Committee, the Nominating Committee, and the Publications Committee (see Article IV. Section 4.). Except for Committee slots designated to be appointed by the President, elected by the membership, or filled by ex officio individuals, Chairs appoint individuals to fill Committee member vacancies that result when a member does not complete their term on the Committee (see Section 1. above). Appointments made to fill the incomplete term of a Chair or a committee member will be for the remainder of that term, not for a new term.
The standing Committees of TAS are:
Section 5. The Academy Committee
a. Academies are conducted when practical to train members of the Society in disciplined archeological techniques and in complementary areas of study. Subject to approval by the Board, the Academy Committee develops new training sessions and then schedules, organizes, and implements approved Academies. The Committee may supervise Academies through contracts with professional archeologists and other specialists. When a field component is included in a contract, the Committee is responsible for ensuring the completion of reporting and curation before the terms of the contract have expired. The Committee oversees the acquisition and maintenance of Society supplies and equipment pertaining to Academy operations.
b. The Academy Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 6. The Annual Meeting Committee
a. The Annual Meeting Committee ensures that a Local Arrangements Committee, approved by the Board, is created from the local society or societies, community members, state agencies, and/or institutions where the upcoming Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held. The Annual Meeting Committee assists the Local Arrangements Committee to organize, publicize, and produce the Annual Meeting, and acts as an interface between the Local Arrangements Committee and the Board of Directors.
b. The Annual Meeting Committee is composed of six members: the Chair, the Local Arrangements Committee Chair for the upcoming Annual Meeting (acting as Co-Chair), the Immediate Past President, the immediate past Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee, the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for the Annual Meeting that will follow the upcoming Annual Meeting, and one additional person appointed by the Chair. The Chair serves a three-year term. The Chair’s appointee serves a three-year term which does not match the term of the Chair. The President-Elect is an ex officio member of the Annual Meeting Committee.
Section 7. The Archives and Oral History Committee
a. The Archives and Oral History Committee is responsible for documenting and maintaining the history of the Society, seeking donations of relevant documentary materials, and conducting oral interviews with members. The Committee will ensure that the Society’s historical and archival records are appropriately housed and transferred to archival repositories to be maintained for future generations.
b. The Archives and Oral History Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually. The Chair designates a member to serve as the TAS Historian.
Section 8. The Awards Committee
a. The Awards Committee recommends to the Executive Committee any nominee(s) to be recognized at the next Annual Meeting for meritorious service to Texas archeology and/or the Society. The nominee(s) shall be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee prior to the presentation of any award. Following the Annual Meeting, the recipient(s) will be ratified by a majority vote of the Board.
b. The Awards Committee is composed of three members: the Chair and two other members, each serving a staggered three-year term.
Section 9. The Budget Committee
a. The Budget Committee works with each Committee Chair to establish their proposed budget for the next fiscal year, submits to the Board a proposed budget for the Society by September 1, and submits the Board-approved proposed budget to the membership at least 30 days before the online voting conducted during the Annual Meeting (see Article II. Section 5.).
b. The Budget Committee is composed of six voting members: the Committee Chair (appointed by the President-Elect for a three-year term), the President-Elect, the Treasurer, the Chair of the Fiscal Overview Committee, and two additional members, appointed by the Chair to serve staggered three-year terms. The terms of the Chair and the two Chair-appointed members shall all have different ending dates. The Treasurer-Elect, in such years as that office is filled, serves as a non-voting member of the Budget Committee.
Section 10. The Business Advisory Committee
a. The Business Advisory Committee advises the President and the Board on business-related and financial matters, including contracts (especially as they are being considered), insurance, investment strategies, office procedures, best practices for nonprofit organizations, etc.
b. The Business Advisory Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 11. The Education Committee
a. The Education Committee promotes archeological education and develops educational projects and materials for teachers and students through the high school level.
b. The Education Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 12. The Ethics Committee
a. The Ethics Committee establishes and amends the Rules of Conduct for the Society’s members including, but not limited to, prohibition against buying and selling artifacts; disregard of proper archeological field techniques; and/or willful destruction or distortion of archeological sites and data.
If a complaint is filed alleging a violation under this Section, it shall be processed in accordance with the Ethics Committee Guidelines for Disposition of Complaints.
A TAS member may be expelled from the Society upon vote of the Board of Directors for violation of the terms and conditions of the Society’s Rules of Conduct and/or any Federal or State antiquities law or regulation.
In the event a complaint is filed against a member who sits on the Executive Committee or Board of Directors, that member shall recuse themselves from consideration of the complaint and determination.
b. The Executive Committee serves as the Ethics Committee. The President serves as the Chair.
Section 13. The Field School Committee
a. A Field School may be conducted when practical to train members of the Society in disciplined archeological techniques.
The duties of the Field School Committee are to solicit, investigate, and recommend potential Field School projects; to supervise Field Schools at sites approved by the Board, including initial collection processing, records management, and summarizing the investigation in cooperation with the Principal Investigator (PI); and to oversee the acquisition and maintenance of Society supplies and equipment pertaining to Field School operations. At the close of each stand-alone Field School, responsibility for all phases of curation and reporting passes from the Field School Committee to the Reports and Curation Committee. Recurring Field Schools at the same venue will remain the responsibility of the Field School Committee until the last day of the final field school. Arrangements will be made so that the PI will have access to the materials needed for compiling the report so long as he/she retains the author’s responsibility.
b. The Field School Committee is composed of the Chair and at least five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with at least two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 14. The Fiscal Overview Committee
a. The Fiscal Overview Committee serves an internal audit role, examining the financial records of the Society (including the Endowment Fund) at least every quarter. Based on these reviews, the Fiscal Overview Committee advises the Board and the membership on financial and business matters on at least a quarterly basis. In addition, the Fiscal Overview Committee provides an end-of-year summary report of the Society’s financial and business activities to the membership, including years when an audit is conducted by a Certified Public Accountant (in accordance with Article II. Section 6.). The Fiscal Overview Committee closely coordinates with the Grant Review Committee on oversight of the trust fund accounts managed by the Grant Review Committee.
b. The Fiscal Overview Committee is composed of three members: the Chair and two other members, each serving a staggered three-year term. The Chair serves on the Budget Committee. Except for the Chair, members of the Fiscal Overview Committee may not serve in a voting role on the Board of Directors.
Section 15. The Fundraising Committee
a. The Fundraising Committee seeks and secures financial support for projects and programs of the Society as identified and prioritized by the Board of Directors.
b. The Fundraising Committee is composed of three members: the Chair and two other members, each of whom has proven fundraising experience, serving a staggered three-year term.
Section 16. The Grant Review Committee
a. Funds that are held in trust to provide grants from TAS are managed and administered by the Grant Review Committee, with Fiscal Overview Committee and Board oversight. The Grant Review Committee shall review all requests for grants and make recommendations to the Board for approval. The funding for grants is issued from donations to the Research Support Fund, plus income from the Research Support Fund and income from the Donors’ Fund investments.
The Research Support Fund is used to promote and expedite research and publish the results of such research. The Research Support Fund consists of donations to the Research Support Fund, where both principal and income may be used, plus the income from the Donors’ Fund.
The Donors’ Fund is a permanently restricted fund, the principal of which may only be used for investment purposes. Only the income from the Donors’ Fund may be used by the Grant Review Committee, with Board approval, to promote and expedite research and publish special reports.
The Grant Review Committee and the Fiscal Overview Committee shall closely coordinate on oversight of the trust fund accounts managed by the Grant Review Committee. This includes, but is not limited to: deposits, withdrawals, dispersals, transfers, opening and closing accounts, the purchasing or selling of Certificates of Deposit, etc. The Grant Review Committee shall make the Board aware of account activity on at least a quarterly basis.
b. The Grant Review Committee is composed of seven members: the Chair, three professional members, and three avocational members, each serving a staggered three-year term. One professional member and one avocational member are appointed annually.
Section 17. The Internet Committee
a. The Internet Committee is responsible for managing the Society's internet entities. The Board approves the creation and implementation of domains and/or electronic discussion lists and internet partnerships, as well as issues of substantive policy or content for these entities.
The Committee is responsible for the design, general content, and upkeep of the Society's website(s) and social media outlets, as well as the maintenance of its electronic discussion list(s).
b. The Internet Committee is composed of six members: the Chair, and five other members: the Academy Committee liaison, the Annual Meeting Committee liaison, the Archives and Oral History Committee liaison, the Field School Committee liaison, and an additional member at large. The liaisons are appointed by their respective Committee Chairs (e.g., the Field School Committee Chair), who determine the length of their term. The member at large is appointed by the Chair for a three-year term that does not match the term of the Chair.
Section 18. The Merchandising Committee
a. The Merchandising Committee is responsible for overseeing the production and marketing of items that feature and promote Texas archeology and the Society. The Committee maintains stock inventory and assists with the sale of Society publications.
b. The Merchandising Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 19. The Multicultural Program Committee
a. The Multicultural Program Committee (MPC) works to increase diversity in the general membership of the Society and promotes a more inclusive understanding of the heritage of Texas. All activities are approved by the Board.
The Committee conducts recruitment and outreach programs for Native Americans, students, and other underrepresented groups.
A Scholarship Program is financed by donations and scholarships are offered for Field School, Academies, Annual Meeting, and other activities. Scholarship recipients are ratified by the Board.
By September 1, the MPC will provide the Board with an estimate of the amount of money needed for scholarships for the following year. Based on the estimate, each year by the close of the Annual Meeting, the Board will designate a monetary limit on the scholarships that can be provided during the following year. The Board can increase the amount authorized for scholarships during the year based on a documented request by the MPC.
b. The Multicultural Program Committee is composed of six members: the Chair, and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 20. The Nominating Committee
a. At least 30 days before Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Board at least one name for each office to be filled. At the direction of the Board, the Nominating Committee will add any needed officer-elect position(s) to its regular slate of nominees. The Board-approved slate of Nominating Committee nominees shall be shared with TAS members at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting and shall be reviewed for the membership during the Annual Meeting.
b. The Nominating Committee is composed of three members, each serving a staggered three-year term. Each year the Nominating Committee nominates one candidate, who may be a person who has previously served on the Committee, to begin a new three-year term after being elected by majority vote during the Annual Meeting. The Committee shall self-determine the Chair each year. At their discretion, the Committee may select the same person to be Chair more than once. Except for the Chair, members of the Nominating Committee may not serve in any voting role on the Board of Directors.
Section 21. The Public Outreach and Membership Committee
a. In accordance with the goals of the Society, the Public Outreach and Membership Committee works with Regional Directors to promote TAS in the regions and seeks to increase membership through publicity of the Society's activities.
b. The Public Outreach and Membership Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually.
Section 22. The Publications Committee
a. The Publications Committee provides advice and counsel to the President and the Board on matters relating to all Society publications, including content, policies, contracts, costs, anticipated sales, etc. The Publications Committee oversees publication of the annual Bulletin of the TAS (BTAS) and periodic special publications, and maintains a style guide for BTAS articles and special publications.
b. The Publications Committee is composed of the Executive Committee, along with the following non-voting members in such years as these offices are filled: Secretary-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Publications Editor-Elect, Newsletter Editor-Elect, and Internet Committee Chair-Elect. The Publications Editor serves as Chair and the Newsletter Editor serves as vice-chair.
Section 23. The Reports and Curation Committee
a. The Reports and Curation Committee is responsible for managing the progress of reports and final curation of collections generated during Society field investigations, including, but not limited to, Field Schools, Academies, and rock art recording projects. The Reports and Curation Committee manages progress of current investigations and arranges contracts for the completion of expired field school contracts.
On the last day of a stand-alone or recurring field school, the Field School Committee will delegate responsibility to the Reports and Curation Committee for coordinating with the Principal Investigator on the final report production and with the curatorial facility or landowner on final curation of the collection. A representative of the Reports and Curation Committee acts as an advisor to the Field School Committee when initial field school contracts are considered.
The Reports and Curation Committee ensures that collections (artifacts, special samples, records, etc.) from all Society field activities are properly curated.
b. The Reports and Curation Committee is composed of six members: the Chair and five other members, each serving a staggered three-year term, with two members, one of whom may be the Chair, appointed annually. At least one member shall be a professional curator.
Article IX: Special Appointees
Section 1. Antiquities Advisory Board Representative (AABR)
The AABR is appointed in consultation with the Texas Historical Commission (THC) for a two-year term, ending on February 1 of even-numbered years. In odd-numbered years, the TAS President-Elect nominates a candidate to be approved by the Board. By no later than December 31 of odd-numbered years, the approved nominee is submitted for acceptance by the THC. The AABR may be nominated to serve successive terms at the President-Elect’s discretion.
Section 2. Texas Archeology Month Liaison (TAML)
The TAML assists in and reports on the work undertaken by the Society and its partners, the Texas Historical Commission and the Council of Texas Archeologists, in promoting public awareness of archeology through an annual series of events. The Texas Historical Commission designates the TAML.
Section 3. Texas Archeological Stewardship Network Liaison (TASNL)
The TASNL reports on the Texas Historical Commission's TASN program. The Texas Historical Commission designates the TASNL.
Section 4. Cemeteries Liaison
The Cemeteries Liaison advises the Board of Directors in matters relating to documenting cemeteries and the handling of human remains and associated materials that are encountered during Society activities. Duties of the Liaison include monitoring the Society's field activities, guiding the disposition of remains and associated materials which are encountered, negotiating with interested parties (agencies, landowners, appropriate ethnic groups), and reporting findings and information to the Board of Directors. The Liaison also stays abreast of and advises the Board and the membership on state and federal cemetery laws and rules. The Texas Historical Commission designates the Cemeteries Liaison.
Section 5. Rock Art Liaison (RAL)
The RAL maintains contact with organizations and individuals interested in rock art and provides information and advice on rock art and rock art projects to the President and the Board. The RAL is appointed by the President (usually as President-Elect) and approved by the Board to serve a three-year term and may be appointed to serve successive terms at the discretion of the President.
Section 6. Parliamentarian
The President or President-Elect may appoint a member or a non-member who has practical experience and/or training in Robert’s Rules of Order to serve as Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian is approved by the Board. The term of the Parliamentarian shall begin no earlier than January 1 (when the new President’s term begins) and shall end when the appointing President’s term ends. The incumbent may be reappointed by the succeeding President/President-Elect.
Section 7. Other Special Appointees
Other special appointees are appointed by the President and approved by the Board as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the Society.
Article X: Dissolution
Section 1. If for any reason TAS is unable or unwilling to continue as an organization, the Board will vote to officially dissolve the Society.
Section 2. Upon dissolution of the Society, any assets remaining after all financial obligations of the Society have been met shall be forwarded to an institution of archeological research that is an IRC 501(c)(3) compliant entity. The Board shall decide which institution will receive the remaining TAS assets, who will oversee the assets until the final resolution of the Society’s financial obligations, and how to keep members informed of the progress toward final disposition of the assets.
Article XI: Parliamentary and Legal Authority
Section 1. Parliamentary Authority
The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the authority governing the meetings of the Society, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Committees.
Section 2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
All business and operations of the Texas Archeological Society shall be conducted in compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) and the Texas Business Operations Code Chapter 22. In the event that any provision in these Bylaws is found to conflict with the applicable law, code or regulation, such law, code or regulation shall prevail.
Article XII: Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
The Constitution or these Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds online vote during any Annual Meeting, provided that a written notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to the members at least 30 days prior to the meeting. In accordance with Article VIII, when a Constitutional or Bylaws issue needs to be addressed, an ad hoc Bylaws Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board to serve a term of up to one year; the term of the Committee will end no later than the end of the upcoming Annual Meeting. The final draft of proposed Constitutional and/or Bylaws changes shall be submitted to, reviewed by, and approved by the Board before it is presented to the membership for their vote. Unless otherwise specified, an amendment becomes effective on January 1 following the Annual Meeting during which it is adopted.
End of the TAS Bylaws