FAQs |
Do you have questions about archeology or the Texas Archeological Society?
Send your questions to internet-chair@txarch.org
ARCHEOLOGY Q: What is archeology? A: Archeology is the study of past humans, through the objects and evidence they left behind. ARCHEOLOGY
Q: Who can identify my artifact? A: TAS does not identify or appraise artifacts. We recommend uploading a photo to our Facebook group to find someone who may be able to identify your artifact. You might also contact a local museum or university. | TAS EVENTS Q: How do I register multiple people for a TAS event? A: To register more than one person, you will complete the registration multiple times. You will get a message that says you are already registered, but you should be able to add a new registration by clicking on the registration button again. TAS EVENTS Q: When do scholarships open? A: They are open now! | MEMBERSHIP Q: How do I reset my password? A: Click on the icon of the person in the upper right corner of any page of the website. Select "change password." Your password must have:
| MISC. Q: Where can I find a professional archeologist? A: The TAS is a non-profit organization focused on educational activities and does not coordinate contract work. We recommend that you consult the Council of Texas Archeologists list of contractors, where you can locate contract archeologists of all specialties. https://counciloftexasarcheologists.org/Contractors-List |