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Member Business Manager - Jamie Ross

Executive Committee

Term ending Fall 2024

  • President - DIEDRE HOOD
  • President Elect - AARON NORMENT
  • Immediate Past President - TAMRA WALTER
  • Secretary - Carol Macaulay-Jameson
  • Treasurer - Clint Lacy
  • internet committee chair - FAIZAN KHAN 
  • publications committee chair - DREW SITTERS
  • Newsletter Editor - CHARLENE ERWIN

Standing Committees

Unless otherwise specified, committee and chair appointments are made by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Society. The chair of each committee shall designate one of its members to provide content to the Internet Committee.

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Academy Committee

Ken Lawrence, Chair

The Academy Committee is composed of six members that organize two or three academies a year, each academy focusing on different area of archeology. An academy provides learning opportunities for all interested in more in depth information on current archeological topics.



The Annual Meeting Committee is made up of the Chair, three appointees, the President-Elect, and the Immediate Past-President.  The Local Arrangements Committee organizes, publicizes, and produces the meeting with assistance from the Annual Meeting Committee, who acts as an interface between that group and the Board of Directors.  


Lauren Miller, Chair

The Archives and Oral History Committee is responsible for documenting and maintaining the history of the Society, seeking donations of relevant documentary materials, and conducting oral interviews with members.  The Committee will ensure that the Society’s historical and archival records are appropriately housed and transferred to archival repositories to be maintained for future generations.

AWARDS Committee

Alan Skinner, Chair

The Awards Committee recommends nominees to receive acknowledgment of meritorious service to Texas archeology and/or the Society.  The nominees must then be approved by the Executive Committee. The Committee is composed of three members, with one member appointed each year for a term of three years.

BUDGET Committee


The Budget Committee prepares the budget for the next fiscal year, which is then approved by the membership at the Annual Meeting. The Committee is composed of the President-Elect, the Treasurer, the Treasurer-Elect in such years as the office is filled, and two members.

business advisory Committee

Bonnie McKee, Chair

The Business Advisory Committee advises the President and the Board regarding all procedures related to general operations, accounting record keeping and nonprofit best practices. The committee chair is appointed by the President and approved by the Board for a 3-year term. At least four others are appointed by the Chair and approved by the board.


Linda Lang, Chair

The Education Committee promotes archeological education and develops educational projects. The Committee consists of six members, with two members appointed each year for terms of three years.


Sarah Chesney, Chair

The Field School Committee duties include the vetting and selection of potential future field school projects, logistics and organization for all field school activities, and contracting with professionals for the completion of field school investigations and reporting. The Field School Committee is composed of at least six members who serve as treasurer, youth liaison, crew assignment coordinator, registrar, internet committee liaison, social organizer, evening program development, site selection, fleet management, contracting, etc.


Marybeth Tomka, Chair


Chair: Stephen Chapman

The Fiscal Overview Committee examines the financial records of the Society. The Committee is composed of three members appointed for terms of one year.  No member may concurrently serve as a member of the Board of Directors.


Pam Wheat-Stranahan, Chair


Chair: Pam Wheat-Stranahan

The Fundraising Committee seeks and secures financial support for projects and programs of the Society as as identified and prioritized by the Board of Directors.  The committee is composed of three members, each of whom having proven fundraising experience.  


Brad Jones, Chair

The six members of the Grant Review Committee administer the Research Support Fund.  Through these grants, eligible applicants and projects receive research grants to assist with conducting field, lab, or collections-based archeological research, or with contemplating publication.  

Funding for these grants comes from donations to the Donors Fund and the Research Support Fund. The Grant Review Committee is comprised of six members who review applications and decide on their merits, and make recommendations to the TAS Board at regular meetings.

Internet Committee

Faizan Khan, Chair

The Internet Committee is responsible for the Society’s Internet properties. The Board approves the creation and implementation of domains and/or electronic discussion lists and Internet partnerships, as well as issues of substantive policy or content for these entities. The Internet Committee then oversees the design, general content management, and upkeep of the Society’s web presence and maintenance of its electronic discussion list(s). The Committee shall be composed of the President-Elect, the Website chair, the Listowner, and four additional members, with two appointed each year for terms of two years. The Website editors and Listowner (who may be either members or employees of the Society) are appointed annually by the President with the approval of the Board. The chair shall be a member of the Publications Policy Committee.

The Committee is composed of the Chair, the Website Editors, the Social Media Moderator, and six additional members, with three appointed each year for terms of two years.  The roles of the additional committee members include data maintenance specialist, payment systems manager, archivist, annual meeting liaison, academies liaison, and field school liaison.  The committee members serving in liaison roles are appointed by the programs they serve from among their members.

Merchandising Committee

Kathleen Hughes, Chair

The Merchandising Committee is responsible for overseeing the production and marketing of items that feature and promote Texas archeology and the Texas Archeological Society. The Committee is also responsible for maintaining stock inventory. The Committee consists of six members, with one appointed each year for a term of three years.

Multicultural programs Committee

Tony Lyle, Chair

Multicultural programs Committee

Chair: Tony Lyle

The Multicultural committee oversees the raising of funds for and administration of the scholarship programs offered by the Society. The Committee strives to increase the diversity of persons who participate in activities of the Society and promotes a more inclusive understanding of the heritage of Texas. The committee includes Native American Scholarship, Collegiate Scholarship, and Diversity Program subcommittees, and other subcommittees appointed at the discretion of the President. Each subcommittee has a chair and at least two members, whom are appointed annually.  The chairs of the subcommittees comprise the Multicultural Committee, and one of them is appointed to serve as Multicultural Committee Chair.

The Committee extends scholarship invitations for Field School, Academies, the Annual Meeting, and other activities to individuals from groups that are underrepresented in the Society.  The Committee operates under advisement of the Executive Committee and within the limits of donated funds.

nominating Committee

Anna Schautteet, Chair

The Nominating Committee consists of three members, each serving a staggered three-year term. The committee seeks candidates for officers up for election within a given year, including one candidate for their own committee every year. The election takes place at the Annual Meeting when the General Membership votes on the slate of candidates. The committee self-determines their Chair, who serves in that role for one year. Members of the Nominating Committee may not serve in any other voting role on the Board of Directors.

public outreach & membership Committee

Jenni Hatchett Kimbell, Chair

The Public Outreach and Membership Committee works with the Regional Directors to promote TAS in their regions and seeks to increase membership through publicity of the Society's activities. The committee is composed of six members, two being appointed each year for terms of three years.

publications Committee

Drew Sitters, Chair

The Publications Policy Committee provides advice and counsel on matters of policy on all Society publications. The Committee is composed of the Publications Editor, Publications Editor-Elect in such years as the office is filled, Newsletter Editor, Newsletter Editor-Elect in such years as the office is filled, the chair of the Internet Committee, and the remainder of the Executive Committee, with the Publications Editor serving as chair and the Newsletter Editor serving as vice-chair.

reports and curation Committee

Robert Lassen, Chair

The Reports and Curation Committee is responsible for assembling society history, recruiting authors, and arranging contracts for the completion of Field School reports from expired contracts.  The Committee gathers materials relating to the history of the TAS and seeks their placement in proper facilities. The Committee sees that collections (records, artifacts, special samples, etc.) from all Society field activities, including but not limited to field school and rock art recording projects, are properly curated and that access to these collections is assured.

A representative of this committee acts as an advisor to the Field School Committee when initial field school contracts are considered.  The Committee also serves as an advisor to the Rock Art Committee during the planning, implementation, and completion of its projects.  The Reports and Curation Committee accepts the responsibility for current work after the terms of the archeologist’s contract have expired, or the project director’s responsibilities have been relinquished, or at any time if approved by the Executive Committee.

Ad hoc Committees

Bylaws - James Everett, Chair

Future of Texas Archeology - Virginia Moore, Chair

Manuals - Aina Dodge, Chair


Antiquities Advisory Board Representative - Doug Boyd

Cemeteries Liaison - Jenny McWilliams

Texas Archeology Month Liaison - Virginia Moore

Texas Archeological Stewardship Network Liaison - Becky Shelton

Rock Art Liaison - Vicky Roberts

Texas Archeological Society

Texas Archeological Society, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666-4616

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