Beat the heat by clearing out your jewelry box, library, attic, garage, or storage unit! While this activity is guaranteed to result in a sense of personal satisfaction, you will likely find some treasures that would be perfect for the TAS Silent Auction. We especially welcome jewelry (vintage items are great!), arts and crafts, books, gift baskets, field kits, bed and breakfast getaways, and anything else that you think a fellow TAS member would enjoy. We know that many of you are artistic in a variety of media so show off your talents by donating a creation or two to the auction.
You are welcome to bring your donations with you to the TAS Annual Meeting. Contact Pat Mercado-Allinger, Silent Auction Chairman at if you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting and need to coordinate delivery.
Remember that the proceeds of each auction support the important activities of TAS. Be sure to make regular visits to the Silent Auction room to ensure that you aren’t outbid by your TAS friends!