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TAS Research Grants

If you are conducting field, lab, or collections-based archeological research or contemplating publication, the Texas Archeological Society’s Grant Program provides limited grants throughout the year to support eligible applicants and projects.

Funding for these grants comes from donations to the Donors' Fund and the Jonelle Miller-Chapman Research Support Fund. While award of these grants is ultimately in the hands of the TAS Board of Directors, immediate administration is by seven members of the Grant Review Committee (two appointed each year for three-year terms by the President), who review applications and decide on their merits, and make recommendations to the TAS Board at regular meetings.

Past grants have supported a wide variety of projects by students, professional, and avocational archeologists including radiocarbon dating, test excavations, site stabilization, remote-sensing, and the publication of research.

The following guidelines describe the process for applying for grants from the Research Support Fund. Grant applications are referred to as proposals.

Guidelines for Applicants and Grantees

1. Proposals may be submitted at any time. The recommendation of the Grant Review Committee will be made to the Board of Directors by the next regularly scheduled meeting if the application is received at least 30 days before the next meeting.

2. A brief resumé of the individual applicant, with facts relevant to qualifications to carry out the project described in the proposal, must accompany the application. If an institution is sponsoring the work, a statement from the sponsoring institution must be included.

3. Proposals by students must be accompanied by a letter from the student's supervisor or chairman.

4. The proposal must include an outline of the proposed budget.

5. The text of the proposal must be limited to four double-spaced pages, excluding the budget page(s). Due to limitations in funds, partial support may be offered. In the text, state either that full funding is required, or that partial funding of your proposal would be acceptable.

6. The applicant must submit to the TAS Business Office at Texas State University San Marcos seven paper copies of the proposal or provide the Business Office with an electronic copy as a Microsoft Word document.

7. In order to not obligate funds for an undue length of time, the grantee is given one year after receiving notification of the award to use the grant. After that time, the unused grant monies will revert to the fund and will be available to other applicants.

8. Within three months after discharging the grant, the grantee is to submit a letter to the Donors' Fund Trustees outlining the results obtained from the use of the grant money.

9. All invoices up to the amount of the grant(s) approved are to be sent to the TAS Business Office for payment, and a copy of each invoice is to be mailed to the Chairman of the Grant Review Committee. If payment is to be made directly to the grantee as a reimbursement for expenses, specific arrangements must be made with the Administrative Director.

10. Upon completion of the project, the grantee will submit an article reporting the work to the editor of Texas Archeology (TAS newsletter) or the Bulletin and/or demonstrate intent to publish in another comparable publication. The newsletter and Bulletin editors should be consulted about formatting.

For additional information about Research Support Fund Grants, please email

Texas Archeological Society

Texas Archeological Society, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666-4684

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