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Participation in the Youth field crew is for children between 7 and 14 years old (as of June) and who have completed first grade. All Youth participants must be TAS members and registered to attend Field School with a parent or an adult TAS sponsor. For each child attending with an adult sponsor, a Sponsor Agreement must be signed and notarized by the parent and sponsor.

All parents and sponsors must sign up to work with the Youth for at least one day. However, we welcome any adults, especially those with archeology experience, to come and work with the Youth for the full week, as we appreciate having a core group of adult supervisors who are there the entire week. Each participant should bring a Digging Kit, details of what to bring are found on the Field and Lab Info page.

Traditionally, the Youth band together to perform in the youth group play one night, and on the final night the Youth group sing the song “Titanic.” In addition to the organized activities, there is plenty of time for kids to play at the campgrounds and swim in the nearby “swimming hole”. Many children develop friendships that they are able to renew each year.

Youth Group

The TAS Field School is a great place to bring your entire family, and the Youth Program focuses on developing archeology skills, fun activities, and hands-on learning activities each day.

  • Learn how to lay out archeological excavation units and dig with trowels
  • Throw rabbit sticks and darts with atlatls
  • Learn how to keep record level information and collect artifacts
  • Learn how to start fire using friction
  • Learn Native American stories and legends
  • Learn about historic life
  • Field trip to local historical sites

Texas Archeological Society

Texas Archeological Society, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666-4684

©2024 by Texas Archeological Society.

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