Congratulations to TAS's Region 4 director, Victor Galan (PhD Texas A&M)! Victor was recently appointed to the National Park System Advisory Board along with 14 other new members by Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. Secretary Haaland made the announcement Wednesday, May 24, 2023 stating “These new National Park System Advisory Board members represent experienced practitioners in cultural and natural resources management, as well as experts in relevant academic fields including environmental law, geography, and history. I look forward to their insight as we work to make our public lands accessible and inviting to all.”
In addition to its advisory role, the Board also has a regulatory role in recommending new National Natural Landmarks and National Historic Landmarks and provides recommendations regarding the national historic significance of proposed National Historic Trails. In recognition of the importance of hearing from Tribal voices and perspectives when making management decisions that impact public lands and waters, Secretary Haaland added a requirement that at least one member of the Board be from a federally recognized Tribe.
Please join me in celebrating Victor and this well-deserved acknowledgement of his expertise and the significance of his work collaborating with Tribal communities!